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AIMS Museo Maritimo Soft Launch of Deck 4 & 3 Educational Walls

Updated: Jul 6, 2024

First Panel of Deck Four. Photo by AIMS Museo Maritimo.

In celebration of the concluded Independence Day commemoration and the Seafarer’s Day last 25 June 2024, the AIMS Museo Maritimo of CLAMS is delighted to unveil the soft launch of our educational walls on the fourth and third deck of the Lighthouse Building. The deck 4 educational wall titled “A Maritime Nation-State” narrates the formation of the Philippines as a nation-state with a shared identity, culture, and future. The deck 3 educational wall titled “A Great Exodus” narrates the current diaspora of the Filipino people and the advent of the Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW). It explores the historical dichotomy of Filipinos from a nation of migrants into a nation of immigrants

Second Panel of Deck Four. Photo by AIMS Museo Maritimo.


The educational walls on the fourth and third decks mark the next phase in our ongoing efforts to enhance the visitor experience throughout the Lighthouse Building. Our goal is to create a cohesive and immersive journey from the first deck to the museum on the sixth deck. These walls will seamlessly integrate with the simulators and other exhibits, offering a continuous learning experience. By incorporating facilities like the radar room and engine control room, we enrich the educational journey, allowing visitors to explore various aspects of maritime education, history, and technology. Moreover, these spaces serve as versatile settings for temporary exhibitions, further enriching our museum's offerings.


We encourage all members of the AIMS community and maritime enthusiasts to explore the educational walls and utilize its content and features for both personal and professional purposes. Expect exciting developments in the coming months as we gradually convert the other decks in the Lighthouse Building into an integral part of the museum experience and therefore the entire learning experience for our community.

First Panel of Deck Three. Photo by AIMS Museo Maritimo.

Special thanks are owed to our interns from the PUP Department of History who helped with the content beforehand, our purchasing team, members of CLAMS, as well as the invaluable guidance and support provided by our Vice President for Student Services and Development, Ma’am Janet Abuid-Dandan.


Learn more at the link here:

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